Morden - Happy Holiday Camp Week!

Happy Holiday Camp week!! Here in the Morden forest, we’ve been so happy to welcome our holiday campers, new friends and old friends to play, explore, and learn new skills!

One of our favourite activities this week has been our fabulous forest post office. The children jumped straight into working on their lovely letters to their loved ones and friends. They drew special pictures, practiced their letters and signed them off with a flourish! The children could fold up their envelope and bring them over to our post office, with post box and postage stamps included to send them off to their destination. We loved our post office so much - we’ll definitely be setting it up again!

To continue celebrating the Valentine’s theme from last week, we had a fabulous mud kitchen set up and the children were making their own love potions! Experimenting with colours, textures and smells was so much fun for them, and they were using so much descriptive language in their play! We love to see how much creativity comes from their time together.

Finally, one of our favourite forest school activities is always fire lighting! With our older children in the forest for this week’s half term camp, it was so brilliant for us all to see how their dexterity and hand strength has developed since last half term. We had the best time re-learning our skills and remembering the safety rules, and each child had plenty of time to work on their skill for as long as it took. Watching the children take their time and staying so focused for up to 5/6 minutes on their goal has been wonderful to see. The achievement is shared warmly by the child and educators, and it’s fabulous to see such joy when they get the knack!!

Little Forest Folk