Fulham - World Book Day & Magic Potions

Hello everyone!

What a super week we’ve had in the forest! Despite the chilly winds we have kept busy with lots of fun activities. Hopefully as spring approaches the temperature will start to rise, and we will see lots of lovely flowers popping up around us very soon!

Thursday was a big day in the forest as one of our favourite days, ‘World Book Day’, was celebrated across the world. This year we had a bubbly, sticky, foamy mud kitchen which turned into ‘Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory’ for the day. In one section we had shaving foam in different containers which was miraculously turned into marshmallows. In another section we had a biscuit production line. However, we never found out who had ‘eaten’ them all! We also built a bridge for those brave ‘Billy goats gruff’ to attempt to cross, closely looking out for that nasty troll. Using natural resources found in the forest we set out an imaginative play table with sticks, stones and straw in order to help the three pigs construct their own safe homes. Luckily, we did not have a visit from the wolf, just a small cat named Monkey!

Other highlights have included a messy play activity involving ‘magic potions.’ This is a really popular activity at the moment with the children loving the idea of conjuring up ‘magical spells’ turning people into frogs! On this occasion we placed glittery liquid into large containers filled with water. The children loved stirring these up and looking at the wonderful colours.

Along similar lines, we used soapy water and homemade wands to create giant bubbles! This was so much fun, and the children enjoyed trying to blow the biggest bubbles and chase and pop them as they were taken by the wind! The wands are easily made using a thin stick with metal wire wound round the top with a circle formed at the tip. Often the simplest creations provide the greatest amount of entertainment. 

Have a lovely weekend, see you all again next week!

Little Forest Folk