Fulham - superhero capes

What an incredible week we’ve had in the forest! The children have been so excited with a couple of ducks that have been wondering around the Palace. They have walked so quietly, whispering to each other, whilst pointing at the ducks, talking to them and have watched so patiently whilst they drank water which was stored in the grass with their beaks.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers found lots of snails and ladybirds this week. They have been watching the snails leave their trail of shiny slime behind them on logs, leaves and trees, or hiding inside their shells. It is delightful to see the children’s love and respect for little animals they find and always looking for a safe place to put them after carefully observing them.

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The weather has been amazing, giving our educators plenty of opportunity to practice their skills at set up and pack down and the children have been so helpful. They love carrying out the responsibility of small tasks, for example, collecting the rainbow ribbons and tidying up the mud kitchen. The strong winds have been great at lifting some superhero's capes (hi-vis) up as they zoom around the forest and making ghosts fly, whilst they make spooky noises - ‘OOoooooOoooOO!’.

As you all know, this is the last week of our magpies and robins, which is super exciting. The educators have been talking to the children and will continue to support the children during this transition. We cannot wait to see what will happen next week when we are back to one big happy group! New friendships will blossom, ‘old friends’ will be able to play together again in the forest and they will all have access to the whole setting with a brand new layout!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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Little Forest Folk