Fulham - sunshine, laughter and mud

Our Week in the Forest... 

It has been another glorious week in the forest full of sunshine, laughter and mud.

Although the sun has been bathing the forest in its warmth the children have been as active as ever, self-regulating their play between the shaded areas and sunny spots to make the most of the opportunities it brings. The mud kitchen has been extended throughout the week to accommodate the sustained play of so many of the children who have been creating all manner of imaginary roles using the cool properties of water and mud, the ‘iced coffee’ looked amazing!!

Den building has also been a huge feature this week, which the children have used as shaded areas for their activities. There have been some incredible creations using all the loose parts in the forest, with the children working together with the teachers to make their ideas a reality through creative ways of combining poles, tarps and ropes.

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With all the amazing summer colours throughout the forest and walled garden, Katie decided to deliver a printing activity during the week using a variety of flowers and leaves. The process involved hammering the flowers and leaves onto pieces of fabric, resulting in their pigmentation being printed onto the fabric, producing the most amazing results. After being shown how to do this the children thought really hard about their compositions, carefully choosing from the different pots. Then one at a time the children used the wooden mallet to hammer the flowers and leaves onto the fabric with the most impressive hand/eye coordination, probably from all their experience using the mallet and billhook!!

Fingers crossed this lovely weather will continue throughout our Stay and Play week. We are all looking forward to seeing you next week in the forest.

Enjoy your weekend adventures!

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Little Forest Folk