Fulham - Playdough Sculptures

Our Week in the Forest... 

It’s been wonderful to welcome back our little foresters and hear about the exciting things that happened over Christmas. Some talked about playing with grandparents and friends, others talked about getting Lego, cars or even apples from Santa! 

It hasn’t taken the children any length of time to settle back into their forest routine; evidence of both how happy the children are to be here and how independent they are becoming. It is always amazing how adaptable they also are. Our week started off with extremely blustery winds. This meant rather than getting to run around in the forest, we spent the majority of our first day back inside.

The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of art activities; painting, drawing, making collages and creating necklaces out of pipe cleaners and beads. They constructed magical sculptures with playdough and we watched the trees blow in the wind from the cosiness of the indoors. After lunch, the wind died down and the children managed to get outside for an hour to blow off some steam.   

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Thursday brought about less wind but more rain. The children spent the day splashing around, floating sticks and leaves in the puddles and collecting the water in buckets and teapots to make all sorts of dubious looking coffee. When the wind picked up again in the afternoon we headed inside, however this time not to the Education Centre, but to the Great Hall inside Fulham Palace. With its high ceilings and ornate design, it is a sight to behold, however the main point of curiosity for the children seemed to be the number of doors. Why were there so many and what could have been behind them?

It’s been a short week where the children have moved around the gardens more than usual, and have seen lots of varying weather conditions. Yet throughout it all, they remain the happy, inquisitive children they normally are!

At Little Forest Folk, we’d like to thank you very much for any presents we received – our chocolate stash should last us a while (or at least see us through the INSET day on Monday!)

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Little Forest Folk