Fulham - A whole new world of fantastical possibilities

Our week in the forest...

‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere’  Albert Einstein
This week it has been the children’s imaginative play that has kept the wintery chill at bay.
The children have been transforming our forest into a whole new world of fantastical possibilities through imaginary role-playing. Our large logs became a train that travelled to every place imaginable, from beaches where they discovered dolphins and edible shells to lands full of candy where they collected handfuls of colourful sweet flowers. Their final destination was the much anticipated Dinosaurland, but oh no, one of the dinosaurs had escaped, arrghhhh, everyone jumped off the train to escape the stomping feet of the approaching T-Rex..
Being involved in imaginative play has been a great opportunity for the children to develop their social and emotional skills through developing ideas and themes together. This type of play is fundamental to how young children are making sense of the world around them and learning how to effectively navigate social interactions, through reading social cues, recognising and regulating their emotions, decision making, sharing, taking turns and negotiating.

Throughout this imaginative play communication has been at the core of their successful interactions and has helped the children develop their vocabulary as well as a greater awareness of body language among the youngest children. It has allowed them to problem solve together, exercise their creativity and communicate sequences of events during this type of open ended play.
It has been delightful for us to observe the children playing so collaboratively and utilising the forest and resources so imaginatively, and of course a great way for them to stay warm.
Splashing across the ocean the pirate ship appeared on the horizon.
‘I see the island and treasure’ called the Captain.
The crew looked down below at the crashing waves, ‘there’s sharks in the water’ they all cried.
‘Let’s jump over and get the treasure’ one of the pirates suggested.
‘One, two, three’ they shouted and one by one jumped from their ship over the sharks and onto the muddy islands below, and wow, what amazing treasure they brought back!

Food in the forest:

Our new February menu has been going down a treat with the children, our current menus are on our website HERE 

To try one of our favourite soups with your little one at home see our recipes


Have a nice weekend and for those of you not with us next week... enjoy your half term adventures!

Little Forest Folk