Fulham - finding puddles

We’ve had a fantastic week in the forest! The children adapted so easily to the weather changes this week! It began with a wet day, perfect for finding puddles to jump in, making water slides and super delicious soups and ice creams in the mud kitchen. Although our Little Forest Folk-ers absolutely loved water play on the rainy day this week, they also listened to their bodies and appreciated the extra layers as the day went by.

As the sunshine came to the forest halfway through the week, the children started to look for little crawlers and worms under logs and leaves on the ground. They were so excited to see yet another stag beetle this week! The children were fascinated to see that this particular stag beetle, moved backwards! This inspired the children to try walking backwards to the forest the next day, trusting the educators to guide them!

Some of the children came in the morning one day wanting to make robots, dinosaurs, and ghosts! With little bits of thread and egg boxes, the children made their robots, skilfully crossing the thread through the holes in the boxes, finding sticks to use as arms and legs and decorating using colourful pens.

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The children made flags, colouring the paper, and attaching the paper to sticks on the ground. Others ran around our camp proudly waving their flag in the wind! Some chose to do an English flag; others drew pirate flags.

Imaginative play in the pallets area was such a delight to witness! We had a house built with separate rooms and the children made it their own. They used planks to build shelves in the kitchen, brought logs and rope to sit down on and enjoyed the most amazing mud pancakes and even put a sliding door with numbers to go to different floors! Of course, there was also a button to open and a button to close. How resourceful and creative, our Little Forest Folk-ers are!

Then we had lovely adventure walks to the walled garden where we observed the beautiful flowers, staying very quiet to listen to the buzzing bees and watching them collect the nectar from one flower to another! So much adventure, fun, and constant learning taking place at Fulham!

Have a great weekend!

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Little Forest Folk