Fulham - Adventure camp and Painting galore!

Adventure camp and Painting galore!

We’ve had an amazing week in the forest. The fabulous sunshine and the warmer temperature gave us the perfect opportunity to bring back summer clothes and super cool hats! This week, our children welcomed our holiday campers with kindness, inviting them into their play and sharing different experiences with them. We’ve had some familiar faces as well as new children joining us for the first time which was lovely and uplifting, seeing everyone playing together and making new friends.

It has been a buzz of activities throughout. From elaborate obstacle courses prepared by our lovely Ben in the mornings, to gardening with Hattie, reading stories with Devante (who is doing his placement with us as you all know), to having jazz improvisation sessions with Jeni. We’ve had it all! Along with slack lines to test the children’s balance and strength, building skills when making their own track, and having some delicious meals around the stage while having interesting conversations with the educators.

The children are always fascinated by what wildlife and nature has to offer and which little animals they can find in the forest. Using a magnifying glass, the children went looking under logs and found centipedes, millipedes, worms and slugs! They carefully carried them to a safe place after using the bug pots to have a closer look at them. Their connection with nature is so inspiring and beautiful to behold.

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Katie and Sofia ran a face painting session and some of the children had the most amazing requests! We had a shark, tigers, power rangers, butterflies and pirates! Even some of the educators couldn’t resist and got involved in the fun! Their imagination ran wild and took them to the most fantastic places and adventures!

It has been wonderful having our holiday camp run this week. The children have been so happy and willing to have a go at trying different activities, whilst understanding the importance of having a break every so often. Having quiet time in the shade when too sunny and needing a break to relax gave us some of our most mindful moments in the forest. For example, looking up to the trees and seeing the breeze gently move the leaves across the blue sky.

As always, the mud kitchen is a great spot for the children to develop new skills, as well as keeping them cool in the shade and playing with the water! We say goodbye to our holiday campers for now, and we hope to see you again soon in our forest!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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Little Forest Folk