Fulham - A Week Full of Sensory Experiences!

We have had a wonderful week here at camp πŸ•οΈ Forest life has been action-packed and full of sensory experiences this week, celebrating our thoughtful approach to the materials/resources we choose for our children. This week has seen our Little Forest Folk-ers challenge the depths of their imagination, as found materials have taken new forms in the minds of our little ones.

Here are some of the wonderful things we’ve seen this week:

πŸ–ŒοΈπŸƒ Leaves and sticks became paintbrushes

πŸŽ€ Repurposed ribbon and sticks became magic wizard/fairy wands

πŸͺΉ Mud and water became cupcake mixture, lava and cups of tea

🌼 Pinecones, flowers and leaves helped us make nature prints into slabs of clay

🌾 Sticks became rolling pins

🐳 Recycled cardboard became menus, sea creatures and board games

🍁 Crates became a hospital, a climbing frame, a dentist surgery, a waiting room and even a mini Starbucks

🌿 When we rescued some wilting flowers from being put in the compost, children helped place them into the ground, building their very own rainforest

πŸ–οΈ Chalk became nail varnish

🐌 Snails and worms became fellow friends

πŸ‚πŸŽŠ Fallen leaves became confetti and rain

πŸŒ³πŸš‚ Tree stumps became stepping stones and a choo-choo train

Each week our little ones remind us of the unlimited opportunities that the natural world offers, and it’s powerful to watch nature continue to be such an important educator 🌱

Little Forest Folk