Chiswick - Water play and unfreezing dinosaurs!

Our Week in the Forest...

Water play and unfreezing dinosaurs!

With the very warm weather this week water play has been a vital theme! One of the week's highlight was on Thursday during London's hottest day, when the gardeners had agreed to set up some water sprinklers for the children! We spent the whole morning running in and out of the sprays, children and educators, keeping nice and cool. The children were all absolutely soaked in minutes but after playing for the whole morning, managed to fully dry by lunchtime, due to the heat and humidity in the forest. We made sure to remain in the shade that day and we had the children topping up on water regularly to keep them hydrated!

As well as water sprinklers, we also converted our messy play builder's tray into a paddling pool to let the children get their feet wet. We used our water sprays to water the surrounding plants, trees and educators. The educators also created a shower using old milk bottles and piercing holes in them, then hanging them on a rope and filling them with water, so that the children could walk under the dripping bottles!

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The children really enjoyed the water play, so much so that we also brought in some ice play for them! The night before we had frozen some dinosaurs in large ice blocks and we had the children use the water sprays to defrost each dinosaur. There were also other hidden treasures in the ice, such as feathers, dinosaur eggs, special beans and lots of other different materials! The children really enjoyed the activity and we also made predictions on how long we thought it would take for the ice to melt!

The children have all been fantastic at self-regulating themselves with the very hot weather, staying hydrated and not staying in the sunshine for too long. When the weather is hot please remember to put a first layer of suncream on your child, a full water bottle and wearing a sun hat if possible. We look forward to more fun in the summer weather during summer camp and have a lovely weekend!

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Little Forest Folk