Chiswick - Trip to the Circus

Our Week in the Forest...

We started our week off with a trip to Gifford’s Circus! We were incredibly excited, especially as we had been hearing noises from the circus after lunch every day last week and had seen the circus horse out on his morning stroll through the forest. We waited with anticipation outside the big tent ready for some amazing performances. All of the children were fascinated by the colours and sounds as the tent was filled with an array of action. The performers were so talented, from their singing, to playing instruments, to flying high in the air and lifting very heavy things, even other people. Some of our particular favourites were watching the ponies do tricks and the dachshund dogs do roly-polies! The show went on for a really long time and we impressed the adults with how well we sat and watched.
We have also had the pleasure of welcoming some of our parents to the forest for stay and play week. The children have been very excited to introduce their parents to the forest and show them what they have been getting up to. Many stories have been read, adventure walks taken, spider webs and rope challenges achieved and even some games of football played.

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On Tuesday, we were treated to a special show to celebrate one hundred years of the Royal Air Force. Just after lunch we ran down to the picnic area to see the flyover. We waited very patiently for the planes to fly overhead. The first couple were quite far away and we were getting worried we may have missed them, but all of a sudden there was a thunderous noise and out of the clouds came a trail of giant loud planes! The children roared with excitement and ran across the grass as fast as they could chasing them. It was so exciting to be so close to them and see and hear the action. The flyover ended with the red arrows and we spent the rest of the afternoon flying around like planes too. Back at Piccolo that afternoon the children watched a video about the red arrows and how only the best pilots could become red arrow pilots. The children made their very own ‘red arrows’ out of red card with a white tissue paper trail. They used scissors to cut the trails and had a go at writing their own names.
On one of our morning walks into the forest there was a lot of chat around pirates and how much the children enjoyed being pirates in the forest. To our surprise when we arrived, Rachel had been thinking the same thing and had built the children a wibbly wobbly pirate rope bridge for the children to cross. We spent the day role playing pirate themed adventures, drawing our own treasure maps on the chalk boards and building our own log boat.

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Little Forest Folk