Chiswick - Sad goodbyes and new beginnings

Sad goodbyes and new beginnings

It’s a time of change in the forest; veteran Forest Folk are starting to graduate nursery ready for big school! It’s always sad to see them go, especially those that we have watched grow for so many years, but it’s so exciting to see them so well prepared and excited for their next steps. Good luck to all of you, we will never forget you and we hope the forest stays in your heart forever.

As for our play in the forest we’ve been super busy with classic and new activities and games. In arts and crafts, we tried a new method of painting with astounding results! Inspired by the abstract expressionist Jackson Pollocks splatter paintings, we had a go creating our own! Dripping from a height we unlocked our expressiveness and found meaning in our paintings after they were finished. Everyone’s painting was completely unique, and it helped build on our gross motor skills. In the run up to the Euro finals we made awesome finger people whose finger legs were perfect for scoring the winning penalty! After England’s loss we raised our spirits by learning about countries and flags. We made flags for our favourite countries and even tried inventing our own countries!

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We’ve enjoyed experimenting with physics recently, firstly with our pulley system, seeing how every action has an equal and equivalent reaction. After we learned the basics, we created games around lifting things up and down. Earlier in the week we returned to our gorgeous allotment in the Kitchen Garden to check out the potato plants we planted. They’d grown so much! This inspired lots of discussion around farming, eating and the life cycle of plants. We have done plenty of number matching - collecting groups of items to match them to number values on stars, building our counting and numeral recognition. We also have started using phonics, both in specific reading books and in our writing practice to strengthen our communication and reading abilities.

Have a wonderful weekend, see you all soon!

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Little Forest Folk