Chiswick - Resilient and strong

Our Week in the Forest...

Another week is now behind us, with lots of adventures and new things we have learnt. With the colder weather we have found ways of keeping ourselves warm and happy as our site offered us a lot of opportunities to embrace the different weather.

During the week we did a lot of walking around the magical gardens with the beautiful statues being the centre-point of our adventures. With the Chinese New Year in mind, the gardens have put colourful installations throughout the gardens making the area even more beautiful. If you have the opportunity to, we would recommend a visit to the gardens at night when it’s lit up. Your little ones will show you the way around...they know the gardens so well!

Apart from doing a lot of exploring in nature we kept our minds busy. Our lovely Jacki showed us a game that challenged our Little Forest Folk-ers counting skills. She used a dice and cups to help the children count each side of the dice separately. We’ve also been busy writing instructions on how to build a nest and then we practiced again in the forest.

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The most popular of the activities this week were a swing put by Jepha and a ‘jumping-over-stick’ competition. Some of the children helped us hold the stick, whilst others tested their strong legs by jumping over it. There were some cheers and words of encouragement as well as very happy and proud faces once the game was over.

This week we loved seeing the children being so resilient and strong with cooler temperatures. It shows us that every weather is great for outdoor play and that we just have to put our minds to it - our bodies will just follow.

We hope you will have a good, relaxing rest and that the children will be ready for some more games next week! See you in the forest!

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Little Forest Folk