Chiswick - Pirates & Aliens

Pirates & Aliens

What a week we’ve had! Sunny skies, wild winds and wet soggy spells, but as always, we adapt, improvise and overcome!

Our teams have enjoyed a multitude of themed adult led activities and spontaneous child led moments. To commemorate International Women’s Day our camps have been getting crafty making some cards and objects imbued with love (of which my favourite was the lollypop stick characters / embellished bookmarks) for the significant women in our lives. We’ve also been reading some books that highlight important women through history. A favourite of ours was American pilot Amelia Earhart.

Moving site every now and then means we often find new logs and natural materials at our camps. With our new logs we’ve experimented with new structures for imaginary spaces; a fantastic arch shaped log provided our children with a new spacecraft, swimming pool and pirate ship all in one! Put on your seatbelt, get your pirate hat, sword and wooden leg, and don’t forget your snorkel! There is a good chance you’ll need all of them.

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As always, our little explorers have been on the hunt for animals in the forest. In our camps we’ve had a lot of fun discovering insects, spiders and worms, naming them (complete with dramatic backstories) and building them new dwellings. This week we found centipedes, an ant colony, shiny beetles (black and gold) and more earthworms than we can count. On our adventure walks our feathered friends are out in full force, with many boy birds fighting for attention from the lady birds. Sadly, no more terrapins... hurry up sun! We want to see them again!

Back at the Hogarth Centre we’ve had the opportunity to get involved in some more delicate creative activities. Red team have been making segments of a caterpillar (inspired by the exceedingly hungry one from the book) with paints and paper plates which will soon be combined to a monster caterpillar! Green team have been Gaddis green fingers planting some seeds. We’ve named our pots and sewn tiny onions, fingers crossed they propagate! If not there’s always reliable cress for next week.

Thank you all so much for another wonderful fun filled week, looking forward to what the next one will bring. We will leave you with a quote that matches the weather we have had recently!

“In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” Mark Twain

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Little Forest Folk