Chiswick - Minibeast hunt

Our Week in the Forest...

This week we’ve shared our forest with the holiday campers. It has been lovely seeing some familiar faces again, as well as making some new friends. It always amazes us the confidence with which our children befriend the holiday campers, welcoming them into their games.

We have been busy hunting bugs; finding the longest worm ever! Getting busy with the magnetic letters spelling out our names, using the magnetic numbers to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, and being creative with our natural resources, such as making a delicious sandwich with 100% natural ingredients! 

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This week we got the saw out and practiced tool safety as we sawed off our own tree cookies. We learnt to place one hand on the saw and the other behind our back to keep it away from the sharp edges. We also helped our peers by taking turns to hold down the branch to keep it level while we were sawing. It was great to see the children’s excitement and enjoyment as they sawed off their very own tree cookie!

We practiced lots of physical skills this week with different types of rope ladders and spider webs, challenging us to climb high and sometimes up and over the other side. We balanced along rope courses and built our own log bridge to cross. We also tested our balance by attempting to walk along a very thin log, crossing from one side of the bank to the other. It was a lot trickier than it looked and required a lot of coordination to do this without holding someone’s hand. 

We have had a wonderful week and hope you have too!


Little Forest Folk