Chiswick - Forest Hospital!

We hope this newsletter finds you well and full of sunshine! It's been another exciting and eventful week here at camp, filled with laughter, learning, and plenty of outdoor adventures.

To kick off the week, our little forest explorers opened an imaginary hot dog stand, complete with all the delicious condiments. The children showed off their culinary skills and cooked up some amazing food. We had a line of eager customers, and it was a joy to see their enthusiasm and creativity in action.

Underneath a vibrant rainbow parachute, we delved into the world of vegetables, discussing their round surface areas. It was a colourful and interactive way to introduce the concept, and the children had a blast exploring different veggies and their unique shapes. Who knew learning could be so much fun!

In our emotional journey, we explored the different zones of emotional regulation using stone face expressions. We talked about our feelings and how to manage them effectively and it was heart-warming to witness our little adventurers express themselves and develop a deeper understanding of their emotions.

The sunny weather has been a delightful companion this week, allowing us to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the beauty of nature. The forest has been buzzing with excitement as the children embraced the outdoors, exploring and discovering the wonders that surround us.

Last but not least, our little doctors and nurses continued their noble work at our forest hospital. They diligently checked their patients' temperatures using a colourful thermometer that changed from red to orange to green. Everyone was fascinated by the transformation and learned the importance of monitoring health and well-being.

As we look forward to the summer season, we can't wait to venture even deeper into the forest, uncovering new treasures and creating lasting memories. We hope you all have a restful and rejuvenating weekend, ready to embrace the adventures that await us in the coming week.

Little Forest Folk