Chiswick - Food shopping fun

Our Week in the Forest...

This week we have enjoyed having our parents in the forest for Stay and Play. We read stories, ran away from dinosaurs chasing us, enjoyed some adventure walks and got delightfully muddy in the forest.
On Wednesday morning, a small group of children went for an adventure to the supermarket to pick up ingredients for our evening cookery lesson. With a list in hand, the children sounded out each item and blended the sounds together to decipher what we needed to buy. They were absolutely fabulous and impressed Jacki and Kellie with their superb decoding skills! Each item was searched for, chosen and placed in the shopping basket. Then came the important job of crossing off the word on the list.
With all our items collected we headed to the till to pay, the shop assistant even allowed us to scan our own items! We packed our items into our bag and it was back to nursery to drop off our goods. We were also incredibly impressed by the number of spider webs we found along the way in the front gardens of the houses. The raindrops that had been falling all morning had settled on the webs like pearls, making them a lot more visible than normal and very pretty. Back in our room we needed to decide which items needed to be refrigerated and which didn't. This involved a discussion about why some things need to be kept cold whilst others don’t. The children enjoyed the responsibility of finding items for our cooking class and met the challenge with professionalism!

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For our cooking session that evening we buttered bread and made egg mayonnaise, yum! We peeled and chopped up our hard-boiled eggs and mixed them with mayonnaise. We chopped cucumbers and cheese, then assembled the perfect sandwich tailored to our own individual preferences. We cut our sandwiches in half and then into quarters to find that we now had four small sandwiches.
Our number line has been a place of learning and fun this week as the children have taken it in turns to order the numbers from 0 to 9 before counting up and back down again. It is great to see their confidence growing with recognising and ordering the numbers. We have even had discussions about how the number ten is made from a "one and a zero".

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Little Forest Folk