Chiswick - Festive Trio

Festive Trio

It’s been an eventful few days in the forest, with three of the best annual celebrations falling all within a week! Shrove Tuesday (or more deliciously known as Pancake Day!), Valentine’s day and Chinese New Year have all been hot talking points this week as we find ways to celebrate them in the forest.

For Chinese New Year we move into the year of the ox (representing very timely qualities strength and determination) and to celebrate we have been gradually making a Chinese dragon out of card. During the week we made and decorated a segment and on Friday we combined them and danced around the hall with our magnificent creation (accompanied by a chorus of roars!).

For Valentine’s Day we made some cards and lovely decorative hearts. This prompted plenty of discussion over the crafts table on love and appreciation for those who we care most deeply for. Some children told us that they celebrate love everyday already as they hug their friends and families all the time!

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For Pancake Day we treated ourselves to delicious oat-milk banana pancakes at snack time, made by the wonderful Kate. We dreamed of the pancakes that we’d also have for dinner, and the plentiful toppings to go on.

In the forest we have returned to our permanent basecamp which is super exciting! We have had plenty of time to create incredible stick dens, cake shops, painting long scrolls, and scaling trees and abseiling down!

We have had some amazing adventure walks this week! We’ve seen some really interesting things on our explorations, including giant diggers moving wood chips (to reopen a playground), swans and geese slipping around on the frozen lake and a bloom of different wildflowers bursting up from the ground.

This week I’ll leave you with one of our favourite Valentine’s quotes - “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”- A.A. Milne

We hope you all have wonderful weekends!

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Little Forest Folk