Chiswick - Discovering Autumn in the Forest!

Dear Little Forest Folk families,

Autumn has arrived in full swing, and we are excited to share all the wonderful things we’ve been up to in the forest! This season of change has brought new opportunities for exploration, creativity, and learning, and we have loved every moment of it.

Discovering Autumn in the Forest
As the leaves began to change colour and fall, we embarked on adventure walks to observe these seasonal transformations firsthand. The children were eager to look for signs of autumn, marvelling at the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows that now adorn the trees. We took our time to explore the forest floor, collecting fallen leaves, acorns, and other natural treasures along the way. These walks not only helped us appreciate the beauty of the season but also encouraged the children to engage their senses—listening to the crunch of leaves underfoot, feeling the textures of different natural objects, and even catching the faint scent of earth and pine in the cool, crisp air.

Settling In and Learning the Ropes
At base camp, we have been focusing on helping our new friends settle in and get comfortable with our forest rules and routines. It’s been wonderful to see the children exploring the space with curiosity and confidence, as they navigate through new experiences and friendships. Our returning children have been role models, demonstrating kindness and patience as they share the forest's wonders with the newcomers.

One of the key aspects of our time at base camp has been storytelling. This is not only a fun activity but also a powerful tool for developing language skills, imagination, and a sense of community. The children have also been practicing turn-taking during our storytelling sessions and while playing on the swing. This has been a fantastic way for them to learn the importance of patience, listening, and sharing, while also enjoying the simple pleasures of play.

Creative Expressions with Nature’s Palette
Artistic expression has been a significant focus this week, and we have been exploring a variety of creative activities using natural materials. Painting with turmeric, tea, and grapes has been a particular highlight, allowing the children to experiment with colours and textures derived from nature. They were amazed to see how everyday items like turmeric and tea could be used to create vibrant, earthy tones, and they delighted in the rich purples that grape skins provided. These natural paints not only offer a safe, non-toxic way for children to express themselves but also connect them to the environment in a meaningful way, as they learn that nature itself can be a source of artistic inspiration.

Another popular activity has been apple printing, where the children used halved apples dipped in paint to create beautiful patterns on paper. This activity not only introduces the concept of printmaking, but also encourages children to observe shapes and symmetry in the natural world. We also took the opportunity to discuss the life cycle of an apple—from seed to fruit—and how this ties into the broader theme of autumn and harvest.

Sculpture making has been another wonderful outlet for the children’s creativity. Using sticks and twine, they have been constructing everything from simple shapes to more complex 3-D structures. This hands-on activity has been great for developing fine motor skills, problem-solving, and teamwork, as the children work together to bring their imaginative designs to life. It’s always inspiring to see what they come up with.

Exploring Together
Exploration is at the heart of what we do, and the children have been encouraged to follow their interests and lead the way in our forest adventures. We’ve had mini expeditions to discover hidden nooks and crannies of the forest, where the children have found mushrooms growing in damp spots, insects burrowing under logs, and tiny seeds waiting to be blown away by the wind. These moments of discovery are invaluable, as they foster a sense of wonder and respect for the natural world.

Building Community and Resilience
We have been working on fostering a sense of community, and it has been heartwarming to see how our little adventurers are forming connections with one another. They are learning the importance of working together, supporting each other, and celebrating their collective achievements. Whether it’s through group activities, sharing a snack, or collaborating on a project, these experiences are building a strong foundation of social skills that will serve them well beyond the forest.

We are also focused on nurturing resilience in our Little Forest Folk-ers, and autumn provides plenty of opportunities for this. The children are learning to embrace the challenges of the outdoors with a positive attitude. This resilience extends to their problem-solving skills, as they figure out how to keep their artwork from blowing away or how to build a sturdy structure with limited materials. It’s all part of the learning process, and we are proud to see them growing in confidence and independence.

We can’t wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk