Little Forest Folk | Chiswick - Climbing Activities | Forest School

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Chiswick - Climbing Activities

Our Week in the Forest...

This week in the forest has been filled with excitement and energy, from creating dreamcatchers and rockets, to yoga and lava monsters; we have seen it all!
Kew Gardens was privileged to witness a great work of Theatre this week, with two benches pulled together to make a boat! Our Little Forest Folk-ers sailed away to the land of lava monsters and along the way bumped into a family of ice monsters! This story evolved and grew, their imaginations in the forest are incredible and the show went on for over an hour!
We were all very excited as we had our first yoga session, the children acted out the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ with their bodies, whilst the teacher narrated the story and showed each movement they would be doing. It was wonderfully peaceful whilst the yoga sessions went on and our Little Forest Folk-ers loved every minute of it.
Fishing has also been a very popular activity this week with lots of chatting about the animals that live under the water and all the different fish we could catch!

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Other activities this week, included swinging and climbing. We introduced an upper body swing for our children to challenge themselves and a spider web rope puzzle to hone their climbing skills. Some of the children worked together to carry logs and create a steam train with lots of decisions being made about engines, carriages, whistles and, most importantly, what food was going to be served!
We visited the allotment and learned all about how to spot the flowers that were starting to wilt and why it was important to pinch them off so that more flowers would grow. The wild flowers have brought so many beastie friends to our vegetable patch and we spotted ladybirds, bees and wasps in amongst all the colours.
Wednesday saw an introductory Spanish lesson taking place! The Spanish teacher had them saying hello and goodbye, counting to five and singing lots of songs. They sang a great song about all the colours in the rainbow and the teacher even converted the sleeping bunnies’ nursery rhyme into the sleeping tigers by popular demand!
We have seen lots of fire making, house building and adventures in the forest this week with all our newer forest friends getting involved with gusto. Imaginations have been roaming and laughter has been bouncing around the trees. We can’t wait to see what adventures our Little Forest Folk-ers take us on next week.

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Little Forest Folk