Chiswick - Bubbles go pop!

Bubbles go pop!

This week at Chiswick has been our first week of merging bubbles! It has been lovely becoming one big group again, whilst bubbles have been so beneficial it has been so exciting to see friends reignite, new friendships beginning to spark and to be one team again.

There have been a variety of themed days in which play has been structured around this month, thanks to our handy calendar. First was Earth Day, where we took time to demonstrate support and understanding for environmental protection. We brainstormed on how we could be kind to the world, so we did a litter pick around our site removing harmful waste and plastic from our beautiful forest. We also learned about how plants suck up carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen. With this knowledge we thought it a good idea to give them some yummy air by going to say hello to all of the plants we could find. Next there was St. Georges Day, and instead of making English flags we thought it just as patriotic to spend the day fighting dragons defending our proud camp! Finally, we had World Penguin Day, which commemorates the annual migration of Adelie penguins. For this we read all of the penguin books we could get our hands on (a favourite was Penguin and Pine-Cone about an unusual friendship). Inspired by our books lots of us decided to be penguins in our role-pay.

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This week has been a very productive one in terms of arts and crafts. We’ve continued our washing tape reveal paintings with fantastic results (practice makes perfect!). There have been gorgeous friendship bracelets with our favourite people’s favourite colours, imbued with love as always. The clay has been very popular, especially moulding into the shape of insects inspired by our nifty photo cards. Helicopter stories have continued with hilarious results, what a witty bunch we have.

Our swings and hammocks have been rocking back and forth constantly. The swings have been so popular we’ve had to implement a turn taking system where children use the timers on our phone and watch them count down before DING DONG! Change Places! Our talented educators have rigged pulley systems which have intrigued our children watching physics in motion. Some days there’s one bucket to be heaved up and down, and sometimes there are two forming a snazzy set of scales for weighing.

A massive thank you to all of our families and teams for staying positive and persevering through these troubling and uncertain times. It really does put into perspective what means most to us all in life; friendships, fun and carefree living.

Stay safe, be well and have a lovely long bank holiday weekend!

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Little Forest Folk