Barnes - Giant puddles

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week in the forest the children explored their ideas in both miniature and grand scales! 

Giant puddles on our walk through the forest to base camp were one of the big features this week. The children explored them by jumping up high to make huge splashes, sliding around in the mud making mud pies with their boots, making footprints and trying to find their reflections in the water! Often the children would pretend to get stuck in the mud and wait for a group of their friends to pull them out.

Going big didn’t stop there as the children explored the swing, a rope ladder and a giant forest slide! On the swing the children tried hard to come up with different ways to take turns and when it was their go they explored different ways of moving, some preferring to swing back and forth in a straight line and others enjoying spinning round super fast. The rope ladder offered a different challenge as the children had to use their strength, balance and ability to assess their own risk to make it to the top! For the slide the children helped to stack some big log slices on top of each other before resting some planks on the tower to make a slope. After some strength testing by Charlie the children then decided to use a big purple tub to sit in as they slid down!

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Getting down and building on a miniature scale has proved very popular this week as the children have continued to build nests, houses and even a mini ladder for our resident robin. The children have shown great dexterity as they learnt to tie their own knots, bend little sticks and leaves and push them into the soft ground. Another day saw the children recreate winter scenes using collected items from around the forest floor to build their own mini Christmas trees and they then decorated them using paints.

As the term draws to a close we hope that you have all enjoyed a wonderful Autumn term, I know we have! We all hope you have a wonderful winter break and we are looking forward to seeing you all in the new year!

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Little Forest Folk