Little Forest Folk Ted-Ed Lessons

At Little Forest Folk we want to change the world. We are so proud of the experience we offer our children and the amazing learning opportunities they enjoy every single day whilst simply having fun.

We can’t change the world by ourselves, so we’d like to spread the word about what we do and try to help other passionate, dedicated people learn how to create similar experiences in their area.

It’s impossible to teach you, with a list of instructions how to provide an exemplary setting like ours for your children, but we can show you. So please, enjoy these videos and learn more about how we work to create inspirational and magical childhoods for the children within our care.

1. The Motivation

The lesson to start with, as in all aspects of life, is WHY? The purpose behind nature education for children, the motivation to take on a project like this and why it’s so important. 

See our Ted-Ed lesson here

2. The People

Our people, that is the adults who are our educators and the children, who we have absolute faith in to direct their own education are at the heart of a high-quality learning experience within the early years. How to create a community of learners where we help children learn instead of teaching them.

See our Ted-Ed lesson here

3. The Environment

Spending time in nature allows for a deep connection to the natural world and exposure to a learning environment full of imagination, challenge, inspiration, awe and wonder. Why and how to use forests instead of classrooms for learning environments.

See our Ted-Ed lesson here

4. The Nitty Gritty

There is no obstacle that can’t be overcome to create a natural learning experience for children. The nitty gritty of challenges, requirements and legislation involved with the creation of a forest nursery and how to work through them. 

See our Ted-Ed lesson here