Wimbledon - Worm Finding and Exploring Water

With the added rain that has been falling over the last few weeks there has been plenty of new opportunities for play, exploring and learning. For a start there has been many creepy crawlies coming to the surface of the mud. Many of our children on site have loved turning over logs and digging in mole hills to see what exciting insects they can find. A favourite on site has been worms! With the little ones exploring how they move, discussing how slimy they are or even protecting them from nearby robins there is endless engagement!

The rain has also led to more puddles and both the foxes and bunnies have been experimenting with measuring. Using natural objects around us such a sticks, stones and even leaves, our explorers have being seeing how deep certain areas of water are or testing which objects float or sink. 

The Wimbledon forest has also seen some tool work this week with hammering! Together the children found a large log and helped set up a safe tool zone. Each child put on a set of goggles and a glove before carefully knocking a nail into the wood. 

A fantastic week in the Wimbledon forest 🌳

Little Forest Folk