Welcome back :-)
Our week in the forest
We were delighted to welcome back all of our sessional children this week who seemed to enjoy getting back to their forest frolics. We have been especially interested in imaginative play and role-play games. We’ve been firemen, driving around in our fire truck and rescuing our friends! We have continued to enjoy refuse collection role play, ‘tidying’ the forest and transporting logs around and yesterday a group of children took their horses (large sticks!) for a long gallop around the meadow! Such wonderful examples of co-operative play!
We have established our new areas in the forest, which is something we have been meaning to do for a long time but finally had to chance to arrange on our inset day on Tuesday. We now have designated areas for mark making and creating (Creation Station); sharing stories in the Library (the children named this area!) ; the Imagination Tree for dressing up and face painting and a Fire Circle for forest school activities. This has encouraged the children to use much more of the wider site and it has been really exciting for us as practitioners to watch how they navigate these new areas.
Busy in the forest
I have already mentioned our inset day on Tuesday, thank you all for supporting us with this. I cannot express enough how valuable it is for the whole team to get together to collaborate on ideas and plan for the next few months. We are certain that you and your children will see the benefits of this soon!
We are beyond excited to host our Fulham open day next Tuesday. If any of you are interested in having a look follow this link for more information:
Fulham open day
Our order of new waterproofs has arrived! Over the course of the week you will be given a brand new set of Didriksons waterproofs to take home. Please ensure that you dress your child in these before they arrive at the Scout Hall or the Forest car park. We will no longer be washing waterproofs as they will be going home with you each day.
Dressing for the weather
According to the forecast next week is due to be sunny and pleasant! Please remember to apply your child's first layer of sunscreen before they arrive and pack a named sunhat into their bag.
As a guideline next week the children should be wearing:
- One pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
- One t-shirt
- One fleecy zip up jacket (in a backpack just in case)
- One pair of socks
- Wellies or trainers (as long as you don't ind them getting dirty!)
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk