Wimbledon - Dazzling performances

Our Week in the Forest...

We’ve had sunshine, rain and wind with us in the forest this week! We’ve been getting creative with our new space at the scout hut, making huge art works with chalk along the tarmac! We’ve been writing our names, drawing out numbers to hop across, and some of our favourite animals. When the rain came in the afternoon we watched the drawings wash into colourful puddles, and got ready to start drawing again! 

Exploring our new space has been loads of fun, running up and down the hills, sliding and slipping all around. We even have a stage set up, and have had some dazzling performances from our all-singing, all-dancing Little Forest Folk-ers! Our brand new speaker means we have our favourite tunes on full blast whenever we want!

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We’ve been preparing through the week for our beloved cooking activity on the fire! The children had some cookery class time, mixing in the ingredients for some lovely porridge!
We watched it go all nice and gloopy in the pan as it got warmer and warmer over the fire, and we could all taste the jam, apples and apricots we’d thrown in for some extra yumminess.

Puddles, mud, swings and shadows have all been favourites this week too and we are always finding new pieces of the forest to mesmerise and fascinate us.

Wishing you all a super weekend and we look forward to more adventures next week!

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Little Forest Folk