Little Forest Folk | Wimbledon - Books, Books and More Books! | Forest School

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Wimbledon - Books, Books and More Books!

A glorious sunny week in Wimbledon, the children have truly deserved this week’s lovely weather. It may still be a little bit chilly but the shining sun rays make all the difference, hopefully a great taste of what’s to come!

This week we have seen a tremendous amount of interest in storytelling. The children in both groups have enjoyed reading the books that educators have borrowed from the library. One was even brought in after an insightful conversation about tornadoes - The Wizard of Oz! The children have learnt to take great care of these stories to keep them clean, tidy and ready to hand back at the end of the week. Both Bunnies and Foxes enjoyed World Book Day where the children sang songs from books that have been turned into movies. The Jungle Book and Matilda were favourites; it was such an experience marching in pairs into the forest to the Elephant March song. The children had the opportunity to bring in their favourite book from home to show their friends. It sparked conversations about our favourite characters and settings. It wasn’t long until the children started acting out their books by building a bridge from Three Billy Goats Gruff; searching for the Bear from We’re going on a Bear Hunt and building a shelter for the Three Little Pigs. A magical series of plays.

The children at Wimbledon have also enjoyed using resources to search for wildlife and signs of Spring! A true bonus of spending the year in the same setting is you get to see the changes of season every day. It’s turned into a little game for the children spotting ‘baby’ plants sprouting from the floor and blooming buds from the branches of trees. Some children enjoyed using the binoculars to search for the birds we can hear singing in the forest. The children have gotten really good at identifying different birds such as crows, robins, woodpeckers and even a buzzard! We were so lucky to see a buzzard multiple times circling in the sky and swoop down for their prey! Our friendship to nature only grows stronger each day; you can tell this by how comfortable some animals are with approaching the children. We are very lucky to have our homing white pigeon, Dolores, allow us to feed her bird seed from our hands!

What a magical week, we hope you all have wonderful restful weekend!

Little Forest Folk