Wimbledon - Adventure Walks & Pumpkin Bird Feeders

The children at Wimbledon have had the most exciting week in the forest!

We have been letting our creative juices flow by story writing on adventure walks and using inspiration from all around us to create exciting characters and plots. We continued our creative streak throughout the week and also had the opportunity to make necklaces with wooden beads. The children made great use of their fine motor skills when threading the beads, and all enjoyed wearing their creations afterwards!

Another popular activity this week was making bird feeders out of pumpkins left over from Halloween! This is a great and sustainable way to make the most of the season, and teach our forest folk-ers all about the different birds that we share the forest with, safe ways to interact with them and what sort of food we can share.

There have been so many different and exciting activities this week for all of our children to get involved with. Seeing how excited and interested the children are in the different things around the forest is so amazing! They love to watch as the forest changes throughout the seasons, spotting the mushrooms that grow and the leaves that fall. They watch as the puddles grow bigger and find it amazing to see how much water leaves when they make a splash. The joy these small things can bring and the big differences they can make to a child’s life is lovely. It shows what a great place the forest is to spend each day, no matter if it’s windy, rainy, or beautiful sunshine, it can all make for the best day in the forest!

Little Forest Folk