Wimbledon - A potion or two and a flick of the wand

Our Week in the Forest...

A potion or two and a flick of the wand and the forest is transformed into whatever a young witch wants! Role playing this week has been really important to the children and having used a story told to them by one of the big Forest Folk, the Little Forest Folk have continued to be witches. They have made potions with mud, natural debris and water, tricking the grown-ups into drinking it and laughing at whatever they turned into, be it monster, frog, or any other animal.
Witches weren’t the only thing to appear through the forest, as pirates also returned, and made sure they didn’t end up in the sea with the sharks swarming around! Firemen too came out to play and using ropes as hoses and pallets as fire engines, the Little Forest fire fighters were able to tackle any blaze that sprang up!

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The natural world around the children is an endless resource for their creativity and the blackberries that are just starting to ripen have been brought to use in some different and interesting ways. The beautiful purple juice has allowed the Little Forest Folk to dye wool, involving a lot of crushing and pressing to get every last drop of colour from the berries. They’ve even been used to decorate the trees in the forest as well as hands, arms and faces. The Little Forest Folk certainly looked very Celtic with the purple splashes and splodges on them!

As Summer term draws to a close it is with reluctance that we say goodbye to some of our fantastic friends. For those that are moving on from Little Forest Folk we wish you all the best for the future and we hope to see you again soon for some forest fun during holiday camps.

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Little Forest Folk