Twickenham - Tigers, Werewolves, and Dinosaurs

Hello, everyone!

The rainy weather has happily welcomed the new Little Forest Folk-ers joining us with lots of muddy puddles to splash and jump in!

Older children have been really practising our ‘Kind and Gentle’ rule towards their new and younger friends by inviting them to play. Loud roars echoed in the forest as they ran around like tigers, werewolves, and dinosaurs, which have been the theme of their imaginative play this week!

Using our magnifying glasses; bug hunting under log piles and searching for mushrooms on deadwood kept us busy in between all the fun activities we do. We are reminding each other of the ‘No Picking and No Licking’ rule, making sure that all of us are safe (including all the flora and fauna in the forest!).

We are also introducing our favourite songs to our new friends, such as ‘In the Hairy Scary Castle’ and ‘Baby Beluga’, while using various musical instruments!

Thank you everyone for coming to the forest! Have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk