Twickenham - Happy Families

This week the forest came alive with the songs of laughter as we welcomed a new child to the forest. The leaves rustled in harmony with the cheerful melodies, and the wind carried the sound of joy through the branches. A real celebration of life, where every creature, great and small, contributed to the symphony of happiness. They created songs, weaving melodies that resonated through the trees. Children leapt on stage, balloons in hand, singing their hearts out for their peers.  

Children were playing “happy families” and displaying kindness and care towards each other, much like they would at home. They helped each other into a “bed” and gathered blankets to keep them warm. Little ones encouraged their friends into the crates and “pushed” them around the forest. As always, our Little Forest Folk-ers were helpful with the “washing up” and keeping their forest home clean and tidy. It’s such a joy to see how warm and lovely these children are towards one another.     

On activity tables they cut, weaved and poured with a range of different resources. Perfecting their fine motor skills and strengthening their little fingers. Carefully creating cards, shapes and wands, they let their imagination run wild. 

What a lovely time we’ve had, see you all next week!

Little Forest Folk