Summer holiday camp, gardening and sensory nature

More holiday camp fun!

This week was our gardening and sensory nature week. We talked a lot about nature and how plants grow, needing water and sunshine and lots of love. We then used our knowledge to plant our own little pea plants. The children found this process fascinating and were really engrossed in digging to collect just the right amount of soil to plant their precious little seeds in. They wished the plants would grow quicker than they can - hopefully teaching them all about patience!

We also collected lots of nature items such as different shaped leaves, sticks and experimented with bark rubbings to see the different shapes that trace onto paper from nature depending on their texture. A lovely sensory experiment.

We dressed up, we read stories and we painted sticks to be wands, rainbow sticks and lots of other creative imaginings.

In a wonderful finale to the week, due to the rain last night we saw a few slugs out on the grass today and the children delighted in collecting some of the bigger specimens to build a lovely little home for the slug. They made a bed from leaves and added some blackberries as snacks and soil as extra padding. They then had a discussion about who could take their new 'pet' home and decided it should be someone who doesn't have a pet at home already. We managed to persuade them to leave their lovely squishy slug at home in the forest ;-)