Putney Heath - leafy wonderland

The children in the forest this week have fully embraced the Autumnal weather. We have had some torrential rain, and gusts of winds that have made for an exhilarating experience. On one day, the children were wondering under the sycamore trees when a sudden gust of wind turned the sky into a leafy wonderland with leaves floating by all around us!

Mud and puddles have been abundant in the forest this week and the children have made good use of them. Filling up pots and pans to make birthday cakes, porridge and food for a family of cats! The children also drained the water from the tarps, collecting it in the big purple tubs and then recycling it in their play. Some took the water and tried to channel it through the mud whilst others were happy letting it pour all over their hands as they watched the mud wash away.

Clay has been a big feature this week and the children have been learning different techniques for moulding and modelling it. They have used water and their fingers to smooth the clay, exploring the textures and effects it creates. They have also used delicate leaves and tiny twigs and sticks to help create structures and models of different creatures.

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As part of our ongoing projects we are doing with the children, we have also brought out with us some paper, elastic bands and a hole punch so that the children could make their own forest books, bound together using a stick and elastic band. The children used the hole punch carefully and then threaded the elastic bands through the holes. After finding the perfect sized stick they then threaded it through the stretched-out loops. It was wonderful to see the children continue with their projects as they drew picture stories, wrote fact books or made up their own fairy tales.

As the leaves have fallen all around us, the children have been enjoying catching them and collecting them. On one day we cleared little circles on the ground so that the children could create their own Andy Goldsworthy inspired artworks as they made images and patterns using only natural materials on the ground!

We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming back some of our Little Forest Folk alumni and a few new faces too this week. Next week we look forward to seeing our sessional children return for the last part of the winter term! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath