Putney Heath - Windy Adventures

Windy Adventures

We have had such an array of different weather this week, which has made for some very exciting adventures! Earlier in the week the children spotted some litter around the paths of the forest leading onto our camp, so we decided to go on a litter picking adventure which was very exciting. Our Little Forest Folk-ers were equipped with a disposable glove each, we also had a bin bag to share and the children all found pieces of litter to place in the bag. The educators explained the importance of putting litter in bins, explaining that small animals can sometimes become trapped inside pieces of litter. The children listened carefully to this and continued to be focused on their activity to make sure their forest friends were safe. We’re so glad to have such amazing little nature savers at our Putney Heath nursery!

We started the new week with another glorious and sunny day which we all decided was a perfect day for water play. We brought out some water and the children explored the different ways to use it. We had our usual mud cakes, soups and pasta dishes but we also conducted a very exciting water experiment. The experiment was called ‘Sink or float’ and with the help of the educators, the children chose different objects to put in a bucket of water and found out whether they sank or float. The children loved this and really enjoyed guessing what would happen before they put their objects in!

Five new words of the week were introduced to the children this week and we have decided to learn about the five human senses; taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing and we have engaged in some great activities to explore these! We began with a touch mystery bag and the children all chose an object they found in the forest to put in the bag. During circle time, before snack, the bag was passed around the children and they were asked to close their eyes and put their hands in. They had to choose an object and try and guess what it was by touch alone. The children were amazing at this and we had words such as “soft, hard, bumpy and sharp” to describe these objects. A colour wheel was introduced to the children later in the week and whilst we were using our indoor space, we organised our toys into different colours which was visually beautiful!

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The wild and windy weather in the middle of the week has welcomed some new and exciting adventures. We were able to explore a new meadow which we haven’t seen before and we had so much fun building stick villages, pretend fires and even some big stick butterfly wings. It’s safe to say that in all weather conditions, the children are just as excited to play, laugh and explore the wonders that nature has to offer. Digging for dinosaurs, was also a very exciting activity that the children engaged in this week. The children made their own dinosaur bones using salt dough and the plan is for them to harden so we can bury them in the forest and dig them up. The salt dough should be ready to use next week, and we cannot wait to discover what dinosaurs once lived on Putney Heath!

We can’t forget the amazing cards the children have made to celebrate our marvellous mummy’s, grandma’s and the important people in our lives. The children did some beautiful finger painting with red paint and created some lovely heart cards. Our Little Forest Folk-ers also constructed their own messages for the educators to write inside which were wonderful. One said “I love my mummy so much because she gives me big cuddles” which made us all smile and brightened our day that little bit more. We hope you all have wonderful weekends!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath