Putney Heath - Volcanoes


We ended last week with some very welcomed sunshine which brightened up our day and made for a fantastic day in the forest. The children were really engaged in some amazing balancing activities, taking risks and overcoming challenges. The children built their very own wobbly staircase by stacking up small logs on top of each other having less logs as the staircase went down. The children took it in turns to climb up the staircase very carefully and then jumped off the end - we have some very brave little ones at Putney Heath! The footballs were also very popular at the end of the week and we made a basketball net using sticks and string and the children loved seeing how many times they could throw the ball into the hoop. 

The start of the new week was also beautiful with lots of sunshine and sporty activities continuing. This time the children all helped to make a football goal, they used long pieces of string and tied them between two long sticks. We definitely have some future footballers at Putney heath with some powerful shots that even managed to break the net! Not to worry though, the future builders of Putney Heath came to the rescue with their tools and fixed it. Another amazing activity the children engaged in to begin the week was making bird feeders. The children used old toilet roll tubes, coconut oil and lots of bird seeds. They really enjoyed getting stuck in and loved finding their own spot to hang their bird feeders. 

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Continuing into the week we were all feeling excited when we made a small world village and volcanoes with Lara. Our Little Forest Folk-ers worked together to build houses with sticks and mini forests with leaves. They then built the volcanoes with clay around tubes and had a turn adding vinegar to baking soda and watching in amazement as they saw their volcanoes erupting! The village was destroyed by the lava and we spoke about the lost city of Pompei and how the volcano eruption destroyed the land. Not only did we build our own volcanoes, but we also made our own swinging mobiles. The children collected sticks, leaves, stones and other forest materials that they then tied together using string. They then chose a spot on a tree to hand their mobiles up. They looked incredible!!

As we landed further into the week we had, you guessed it… more sports! We love playing sports here at Putney Heath and this time we created a volleyball net which the children absolutely loved. We set up two different teams and we took in turns to hit the ball over the net to see who could catch it first. In the end, the net turned into a limbo competition (mainly for the educators) but we all had amazing fun and have loved learning new sports and creating different nets and goals to support our sporting activities. Moving on from sports, we had an amazing concert put on by the children. The children built a stage and used sticks as microphones and sang some lovely songs for all the educators to enjoy. They sang the rain away and the sun shone through the trees as they were singing their last song.

We’ve had such an incredible, action packed, and activity filled week and we hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath