Putney Heath - Terrific tool work

‘Terrific tool work’

We ended a wonderful week with a change of camp. We decided to change our location as the forest floor had become very muddy and we thought it would be best to give the ground a rest to recover. Our Little Forest Folk-ers decided that our new camp would be called ‘Monkey Camp’! We are all so excited about this change, as we love the new site, and it is always refreshing to be in a new part of the forest!

With a new camp location, comes new and exciting opportunities for the children. This week they had the chance to use a wonderful tool called a ‘Lopper’, which can cut through branches, and they used this tool to finish off their bug hotels. The children were accompanied by an educator, and they took turns to carefully cut some elder branches into smaller parts. They then used a peg to dig out the centre so that the bugs would be comfortable in their new homes. The children were amazing at this and showed great precision and control when using the ‘Lopper’. Following the rules of tool work was also a huge success here at Putney Heath and all the children knew to “Walk around the edge” and to wait until an educator is ready for them.

Monkey camp also has a great area for a swing to be put up and this has certainly been a highlight for the children this week. The children have loved taking turns to swing as high as they can and to spin around as fast as they can. Not forgetting the great listening and understanding of the swing circle! The children have been brilliant at reminding each other to stay out of the circle whilst someone is on the swing. Waiting for a turn on the swing can be quite difficult sometimes, so the children decided to come up with a waiting song to pass the time away. It goes “We’re waiting for the swing, we’re waiting for the swing, we’re waiting, we’re waiting for the timer to go PING!”. What a wonderful way to make waiting fun.

As you can see, we have had another amazing week here at Putney Heath and we wish you all a wonderful weekend and we cannot wait for more adventures next week!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath