Putney Heath - Perfect Puddles

‘Perfect Puddles’

We ended last week focussed on an activity that highlighted the importance of talking about feelings to support mental health awareness week. The educators produced some brilliant, laminated cards which had different facial expressions on, and the children all had a turn creating a face which best showed how they were feeling. It was so lovely to see so many happy and smiley faces being made.

As we headed into the new week, we were welcomed with some perfect puddles on the Heath and embarked on some amazing adventures. Before venturing deeper into the forest on an amazing adventure walk, the children had great fun splashing in big puddles. Later in the day the children heard some thunder in the distance and created their own rain dance to try and make it rain again so they had more puddles to jump in the next day! We love muddy play here at Putney Heath, so any rain is more than welcome.

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Further into the week, we were yet again amazed by the perfect puddles on the Heath, our rain dance must have worked! The children yet again had fun jumping in the muddy puddles before heading onto camp. Not forgetting our terrific tree spotting which took place early in the week. The children looked at all the different trees and collected and stuck on leaves, blossoms and seeds on their tree spotting board. Afterall, Spring is the most perfect time to look at all the different trees and plants that are growing around us.

We ended the week with, yes you guessed it, jumping in some more fantastic puddles and this incredible rain has allowed the children to create some amazing mud kitchen madness. We’ve had ice creams, pancakes, cupcakes and lots of pasta and we cannot wait to see what next week brings us!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all next week!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath