Putney Heath - Olympics!


We ended last week with some superb storytelling, using our storytelling stones to support us. The children really enjoyed choosing which stone would come next in the story told brilliantly by the educators. The children also loved using the different coloured pens to draw on their stones to create their own stories and enjoyed speaking about what they had created. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to four of our friends here at Putney Heath this week as they left us to go to big school! A bittersweet moment as we will miss them dearly but know that they are going to thrive in their future adventures.

As we headed into the new week, we separated back into two bubbles which meant we had to adjust to smaller camps again. Nonetheless, with the resilience of the children here at Putney Heath, we soon settled into the change. We had some amazing mud kitchen fun at the beginning of the week, cooking up some delicious treats for everyone to taste and enjoy, not forgetting to mention the incredible ice creams that were made too!

Further into the week we enjoyed an exciting dancing disco between the camps. We put a speaker between both camps, and we all engaged with each other through dance, singing and music. Although we could not dance together, the children had fun copying the dance moves and actions from the opposite camp. The forest filled with laughter, singing and music and the smiles shone throughout the camps.

Later this week we had a very exciting day…we had OLYMPICS day! We set up camp on the cricket pitch because we needed lots of space to run around and set up activities! We began the day with a big group warm up and stretching session to get our bodies ready for the games and activities ahead of us. The children then all took part in several races, running as fast as they could, forwards and backwards! We had a very exciting egg and spoon race, using the eggs we had left over from lunch the previous day. The children were amazing at controlling the egg and hardly any fell on the floor, well done!!

The afternoon greeted us with some Frisbee throwing competitions, some hurdle races and some challenging aiming games using tennis balls and throwing them into a bucket. The children then took part in a game of tug of war, using their strong muscles to beat the other side. The children absolutely loved this and found it so funny! Their laughs and smiles filled Putney Heath. We ended the afternoon with a wonderful medal ceremony to celebrate all our efforts and successes from the day!

We hope you all have a restful weekend, and we cannot wait for more adventures next week!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath