Putney Heath - Musical Magic

Musical Magic

We ended last week with some magnificent rain which did not stop all day! This made for some very muddy play and an excellent natural resource for the mud kitchen. The children made sure to collect every drop of water from the tarps using the pots and pans and used this in their mud kitchen fun!

Starting the new week we had a special circle time, celebrating international yoga day. One of our educators helped us to learn new poses, techniques and breathing exercises which followed the themes of our rules of the forest. For example, we learnt the `peaceful warrior` pose to represent our ‘be kind and gentle’ rule. We also learnt the `Lions Breath`, sticking our tongues out as we breathed out to represent the ‘no picking, no licking’ rule. The rain continued into the new week which was amazing for the children to create some marvellous mud sculptures!

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The children have loved painting paper butterflies, searching for insects in the wet mud, building obstacle courses and as always have loved listening to stories. You could say we’ve had an action-packed week!

Continuing further into the week, the musical side of our Little Forest Folk-ers came out to shine. The children have loved listening to the ‘The floor is lava’ song and have even made their own guitars to sing and dance around the forest with. This musical magic did not stop there. Here at Putney Heath, we ended the week with the most amazing forest party. We played different music whilst the children and educators danced and sang along, and we even played some party games like ‘The Limbo’! Wow what a lovely way to end the week.

We hope you all have a restful weekend, and we will see you all next week for some more forest fun!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath