Putney Heath - Marvellous Mini Beasts

Marvellous Mini Beasts

We ended last week with an exciting adventure to the meadow in the morning. Here, the children had the opportunity to scatter their wildflower seed balls that they had made previously in the week. The educators explained to the children that over time and when it rains, the seeds will begin to grow into flowers. What a fantastic way to learn about the environment around us, we cannot wait to watch our flowers grow!

Heading into the new week our attention has been focussed on mini-beasts and what glorious weather it has been to learn about them. The children were introduced to four more words of the week which were the different parts of insects, and this included the thorax, head, antenna, and abdomen. The children all enjoyed singing, shouting, rapping, and whispering these and it has been great to hear the children using these words when finding insects on their mini-beast hunts.

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Further into the week we had a very special day! It was minibeasts dress up day. The children were so excited about this and what a success it was. We had ladybirds, caterpillars, bumble bees, butterflies and even a few spider men managed to sneak in! This day was incredible, the children had the opportunity to learn about the different types of insects in our forest in the book corner which was filled with insect books. The children also engaged in some butterfly painting and insect clay modelling. Of course, we couldn’t have an insect day without embarking on a bug hunt. We used our magnifying glasses, lifted logs, and found some centipedes. The children tried to count all their legs, but they kept wriggling away too quickly!

Wow what a wonderful week it has been here at Putney Heath. We wish you all a restful weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath