Putney Heath - Brilliant Bridges

Brilliant Bridges

We ended last week with some glorious sunshine and some crafty activities. Some of the children built an amazing fairy town with a ladder to the tree-tops, soft pillowy beds made from twigs and catkin fluff. The town even had a wall for protection and a swimming pool for cooling off!

We began the new week with some time spent on the cricket pitch on our walk into the forest and the children are always so happy to spend some time out on the open field. However, disaster struck when the children noticed that their bridge was in disrepair and it needed fixing. This was no trouble for the Little Forest Folk-ers of Putney Heath because they got straight to it, helping one another to carry large logs and tools over to repair the bridge.

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Throughout the week some incredible ice-creams have been made in the mud kitchen using a variety of herbs that the educators bought into the forest to use as different toppings. We’ve had strawberry, mango, banana, chocolate and even cheese sprinkles on the ice cream... I’m not sure how tasty that one was! The children helped an educator to make some ice cream tokens for everyone to use in the forest using some old milk bottle lids and by writing numbers on each one. The children then used these to buy their own ice creams.

Later in the week the children discovered their bridge to be broken again and the children agreed that it was the monster who had broken it and that they needed to make it super strong so the monster couldn’t break it again! The children got straight to work and began drilling, hammering and repairing the bridge so they could walk over it to get into the forest. Let’s hope the monster doesn’t come back next week to break our Bridge again!

We’ve had another incredible week here at Putney and we wish you all a lovely bank holiday weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath