Wimbledon - Let's make a Christmas tree

Let's make a Christmas tree. 

To begin this week we did some hammering, using nails to create the design of a Christmas tree. First we went over our safety talk and discussed how we use a hammer. Then on a plank of wood the children designed a Christmas tree outline. We then got started in hammering nails in along the pattern. It was so much fun and took a lot of concentration, along with hand eye coordination. We look forward to finishing our tree and adding some decorations to it. It will make a marvellous addition to our forest and has already made us feel so much closer to Christmas!

Our last days in the forest this week were a lot colder and on Thursday morning we were greeted by an amazing frosty scene. Any mud had frozen over, the leaves had icy covers and the grass had turned an incredible white colour. All our children were filled with excitement and wonder over the magical day they were about to have. Prepared with warm clothes, hats and gloves, we all set out exploring and seeing what else in the forest had changed. There was so much joy in finding frosty planks to carefully cross and seeing where the gorgeous sun had made shadows. Despite the cold there is always endless play and exploration to take place in the forest. 

Further this week we have used a mirror to inspire our drawing, used a pulley to lift buckets full of sticks and greatly enjoyed running a coffee shop. Just a brilliant time to be had at the Wimbledon forest.

Little Forest Folk