

We are excited to be soon welcoming a new addition to the Little Forest Folk team. Please meet ‘Cubetto’, our friendly new face!

At Little Forest Folk we believe of paramount importance in early years learning is that we teach our children how to think and not simply what to think. As you know we are extremely passionate about children enjoying active, outdoors free play with a deep connection to nature to nurture the natural love for our planet that children are born with.

It’s also however important to us to ensure we help the children learn to the best of their potential through free play all of the skills that will help them be happy, confident and successful in their future lives.

An important part of the society in which our children are growing up these days is technology, which we need to embrace despite our preference and love for natural outdoor play. We want to empower children to become creators and not just consumers within the digitalised world we live in. But we also feel children learn best through tangible and physical play. We believe children can learn more about how to master logic if rather than giving them time to swipe a screen, if we help them learn a mind-set to gradually as they grow assimilate more notion-related content. And of course, we want to do this in the great outdoors. To achieve our goal, we have someone currently working hard on building us our ‘Cubetto’.

Our cheery, smiling, wooden robot is controlled by placing colourful blocks onto a board in a set order to instruct how he moves. And Cubetto loves outdoor play and rough terrain! With physical tangible fun play, our children will be using the colourful boxes to create a “queue” of instructions – the very first step in a child’s programming education.

We are excited to be welcoming Cubetto to the team in late October once he is fully built and functioning…. with maybe the addition of thermal and waterproof ‘wheels’! We are excited to be teaching the children such a fundamental skill set for the modern world we live in.

And our children…..? They are just excited to have a fun new wooden toy to play with in the forest!!!


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