Getting festive :-)
Our week in the forest
Christmas is coming! We’ve been singing and dancing to our Christmas songs all week.
We introduced some musical instruments at the beginning of the week and used them while we sang along to Navedad Navedad, When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney and Jingle Bells. Our Little Forest Folk favourite has been Naveda Naveda. It’s amazing how quickly our children have picked up songs in different languages. We played with tambourines, maracas, bells, castanets and many other exciting instruments. We found out how to use them and found out the different ways to play them.
We read books every day and this sometimes influences our children’s play. On Tuesday, we read The Three Little Pigs and our children spent the whole of Tuesday morning taking turns to be either The Big Bad Wolf or one of the Three Little Pigs. We built homes made of straw, sticks and bricks only for the big bad wolf to come and
“huff and puff and BLOW your house down!”
As we rely on our source of enjoyment coming from natural materials, our children have the ability to be incredibly imaginative.
We went on bear hunts in the meadow. Our children like to hide from the child who is role playing the bear and they get a thrill once they’ve been found. No one wants to be the bears dinner!
We visited our garden plot on Wednesday. We’ve started to remove the weeds so that we can prepare our plot for some serious planting!
Our children were eager to help dig out the weeds which resulted in digging up lots of little holes in our plot. We said we’d use the little holes to plant our tiny seeds in.
Adventures in the forest
By the end of the week we missed the rain and wanted more water for more puddles.
Using the muddy water in the puddles, we took sticks and painted mud faces.
“When lot’s and lot’s of clouds come in the sky, that means a storm is going to come.”
One of our children suggested we do a rain dance to make the rain come back. So we danced around the meadow and hoped for more rain.
Christmas Party
Monday 19th December
LAST CHANCE to RSVP for our Christmas Forest Party... if you've missed our invite or would like any more information get in touch with Carly: or call on: 07707 545913
Stir it up fundraising
The children had lots of fun helping to mix up our huge batches of mincemeat last week, we will be selling our delicious jars of mincemeat to raise money for Crisis homeless charity this Christmas, to support us or find out where to collect your jar.
Each jar will be filled with delicious handmade mincemeat, complete with wishes from all the children...That’s what makes it so magical! Read more about Stir it up - Fundraising for Crisis.
Little Forest Folk will be closed for Christmas between 26th December and 3rd January.
If you missed Leanna's latest blog post you can read it here: Why we're not sending Jack to school yet - One last hurrah!
Here is the link to our Justgiving page to buy a jar or two of our magical mincemeat made with teeny tiny hands.
What to wear
The weather next week is going to get colder as we head for December. Children should be dressed in lots of layer with plenty of spare clothing.
Check out our recommended winter kit list.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk