Barnes - Obstacle fun

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week in the forest has been a wonderful mix of sunshine, water play and new beginnings!

We have welcomed lots of new faces into the forest this week as new children have been settling in. It has been amazing to see how well the children have engaged with the outdoor environment. They have shown great resilience getting stuck in and playing with the other Little Forest Folk adventurers away from their parents. We are all super excited to have them with us in the forest and we know that they will be taking us on some magical adventures!

The mud kitchen has been a huge draw for the children this week as they have mixed potions, cakes and pies together in families. We had a husband and wife making food for their tiny baby, a family of superheroes making danger pie and some special soup that was made from tea, grass and mud water!

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This week we have also seen some incredible feats of balance as the children have negotiated some very wobbly planks, see saws and an obstacle course which they helped to build themselves! It was fantastic to see some of our youngest children showing their skills and confidence to take on and manage their own risks!

This week we have also been saying goodbye to many of our older children who have been adventuring outside with us since we opened two years ago. We have reflected on our time together this week and discussed how much we have all changed. The children delighted in discussing how their physical, social, communication and creative abilities have developed!

We wish all the children who are leaving us all the best for the future. We know that you are all going to do amazingly well wherever you go!

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Little Forest Folk