Barnes - Buzzing bees

Our Week in the Forest... 

Buzzing bees, beautiful flowers and bright warm sunshine… it feels as though we have gone from Winter straight to Summer!
Having survived the prolonged ice age of Winter, the children have been thrown straight into a heat wave this week. It has been so exciting for us all in the forest to be able to watch the sudden blossom of colour and life! The children have been asking many questions about the transformations and cannot wait to see what the Spring will bring.
The bluebells are out in the woods and the leaves have come out on the trees, which has provided us with some fantastic shade from the sun! The children have enjoyed searching for minibeasts and with every find brings a new wave of excitement. They enjoy asking questions about the insects’ environment and finding out what they like to eat! It has been so wonderful to see how our Little Forest Folkers teach each other to care for the environment around them.  

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With the warming sun around us, water play has been a big feature this week. The children enjoyed keeping cool, making magical potions, bubbles and waterfalls with the water. We found natural materials from the forest to help create these fantastic features.
This week we have also started to welcome a few new faces into the forest. They are settling in very well and being super brave! Our Little Forest Folkers have loved helping settle the children in and we all look forward to welcoming them back next week!

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Little Forest Folk