Winkworth Fees

We will be offering three options for attending Little Forest Folk Winkworth: 

  • All year round Full Days, 8:00am to 6:00pm, 51 weeks of the year

  • All year round Half Days, 51 weeks of the year

  • Half Days will be available as Mornings from 8:00am-1:00pm and Afternoons from 1:00pm-6:00pm

Each has a different price, detailed below. Our Winkworth nursery has a minimum attendance of 2 days per week.

Full days


£98 per day


8:00am - 6:00pm


Breakfast, lunch, dinner and morning and afternoon snacks


51 weeks per year


Full Days are invoiced on a monthly basis. The amount is calculated based on the 51 weeks of the year that we are open and then averaged into monthly payments.

Full Days (per week) Monthly fees
2 £833.00
3 £1,249.50
4 £1,666.00
5 £2,082.50

Half days


Mornings: £57

Afternoons: £53


Mornings: 8:00am-1:00pm

Afternoons: 1:00pm-6:00pm


Mornings: Breakfast, morning snack and lunch

Afternoons: Afternoon snack and dinner


51 weeks per year, all year round, families can mix and match their weekly schedules between mornings, afternoons & full days - please see summary table at the bottom of the page for more detailed costings.

monthly fees

Half Days are invoiced on a monthly basis. The amount is calculated based on the 51 weeks of the year that we are open and then averaged into monthly payments.

Half Days (per week) Morning Monthly fees Afternoon Monthly fees
2 £484.50 £450.50
3 £726.75 £675.75
4 £969.00 £901.00
5 £1,211.25 £1,126.25

Government funded hours

What funding is available to me?

9 month - 2 year old 15 hour Working Parent entitlement:

Working parents of 9 month - 2 year olds are able to access 570 hours of entitlement hours funded by the Government provided that they meet certain eligibility criteria. This funding can be stretched to cover an all year round space at Little Forest Folk (51 weeks per year). For more information and to apply for your eligibility code, please see the Childcare Choices Website.

15 hours Universal entitlement:

All 3 and 4 year old children are able to access 570 hours of entitlement hours funded by the Government. This funding can be stretched to cover an all year round space at Little Forest Folk (51 weeks per year)

30 hours (15 additional hours)

Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds are able to obtain an additional 15 hours of funded childcare per week provided that they meet certain eligibility criteria. For more information and to apply for your eligibility code, please see the Childcare Choices Website.

The provision of the 15 and 30 hours of funded childcare by Little Forest Folk Winkworth is set out in the following sections. As a childcare provider, signing up to provide the 9 month - 2 year funding, and additional 15 hours is voluntary. We always strive to provide the best childcare we can at affordable rates for parents so are happy to offer this.

when your child is eligible for 15 or 30 hour funding;

Children who turn 3 years old (or 9 months for the working parent entitlement) on or between:

  • 1 April and 31 August are eligible from the autumn term starting in September

  • 1 September and 31 December are eligible from the spring term starting in January

  • 1 January and 31 March are eligible from the summer term starting in April



Little Forest Folk are registered on Surrey County Council’s Directory of Providers.

15 hours Universal entitlement

We offer the 15 entitlement hours funded by the Government as part of our half and full day care, applied over 51 weeks of the year.

We offer up to 570 hours per year, which equates to 11.18 hours per week over 51 weeks of the year.

We offer a maximum of 5 hours of Government funding per full day or a maximum of 2.5 hours of government funding per half day. Any additional hours provided outside of the funded hours are charged at full cost. The government funding does not cover all costs incurred by operators in providing their care and education (for example, food, consumables, enhanced qualifications) but they do allow operators to make a charge for this. We call this charge our ‘Enhanced Provision Rate’.


Due to the unique nature of the Little Forest Folk offering we need to charge an Enhanced Provision Rate to cover many things that the government doesn’t fund, such as; our 1 to 4 staffing ratio, specialised equipment e.g outside toilets, tents and tools, bespoke staff training including forest school training, delicious food offerings with child friendly menus, as well as other standard consumables which include nappies, wipes, sun cream etc.
Our Winkworth nursery EPR is currently £4.25 per funded hour.

We do have a number of free at the point of access places where we as a business cover all the costs not funded by the government. These are intended for families in need to ensure there are no barriers to accessing our exceptional care. These are limited in numbers & sessions, so please contact for more details.


Your Universal 15 hour entitlement will be provided free at the point of delivery. As per our policy Little Forest Folk do, however, charge an Enhanced Provision Rate (see above) to cover items not funded by the government, as well as the full hourly rate for any additional hours provided outside the entitlement hours funded by the Government.

The tables below detail our charges for the additional hours outside the Universal 15 hour entitlement for sessional and full day care, if you require any further information, please do contact us at

Full days: 8am to 6pm.  up to 11.18 hours per week over 51 weeks per year = 570 hours per year

Attendance (days per week) Funded hours per week Additional hours per week Cost of additional hours per month Number of weeks per year EPR per month (£4.25 per funded hour) Total invoice cost per month
2 10 10 £416.50 51 £180.63 £597.13
3 11.18 18.82 £784.00 51 £201.88 £985.88
4 11.18 28.82 £1,200.50 51 £201.88 £1,402.38
5 11.18 38.82 £1,617.00 51 £201.88 £1,818.88

HALF daY MORNINGS: 8:00am-1:00pm. Up to 11.18 hours per week over 51 weeks per year = 570 hours per year

Attendance (mornings per week) Funded hours per week Additional hours per week Cost of additional hours per month Number of weeks per year EPR per month (£4.25 per funded hour) Total invoice cost per month
2 5 5 £242.25 51 £90.31 £332.56
3 7.5 7.5 £363.37 51 £135.47 £498.84
4 10 10 £484.50 51 £180.63 £665.13
5 11.18 13.82 £669.75 51 £201.88 £871.63

HALF daY Afternoons: 1:00pm-6:00pm. Up to 11.18 hours per week over 51 weeks per year = 570 hours per year

Attendance (afternoons per week) Funded hours per week Additional hours per week Cost of additional hours per month Number of weeks per year EPR per month (£4.25 per funded hour) Total invoice cost per month
2 5 5 £225.25 51 £90.31 £315.56
3 7.5 7.5 £337.87 51 £135.47 £473.34
4 10 10 £450.50 51 £180.63 £631.13
5 11.18 13.82 £622.75 51 £201.88 £824.63


30 hours per week of funded childcare

The total of 30 funded hours is provided for 38 weeks of the year, giving a total of 1140 hours per year.

For children attending full days, these hours per week are “stretched” across the 51 weeks of the year that we are open. Dividing 1140 hours by 51 weeks gives 22.35 funded hours per week. If your child is attending 30 hours per week your additional hours would be:

30 hours – 22.35 = 7.65 hours per week.

Additional hours, sessions and weeks are chargeable and averaged over the year, please note that these additional fees also include an Enhanced Provision Rate (see above) incurred on the funded hours.

Full days: 8am to 6pm. 22.35 HOURS PER WEEK OVER 51 WEEKS PER YEAR = 1,140 HOURS PER YEAR

Attendance (days per week) Funded hours per week Additional hours per week Cost of additional hours per month Number of weeks per year EPR per month (£4.25 per funded hour) Total invoice cost per month
3 22.35 7.65 £318.50 51 £403.75 £722.25
4 22.35 17.65 £735.00 51 £403.75 £1,138.75
5 22.35 27.65 £1,151.50 51 £403.75 £1,555.25

Little Forest Folk are only able to offer the additional 15 hours per week to parents who send their children to the nursery for a minimum of 30 hours per week, on full days, all year round. Children who attend less than this are still able to access the 15 free hours per week (Universal entitlement) as part of our existing offering.

Summary of fees

Full days

Winkworth - Days per week Standard price per month 15 hour entitlement. Total cost per month 15 Additional hours (30 hours total). Total cost per month
2 £833.00 £597.13 n/a
3 £1,249.50 £985.88 £722.25
4 £1,666.00 £1,402.38 £1,138.75
5 £2,082.50 £1,818.88 £1,555.25

Half day Mornings 8:00am-1:00pm

Winkworth - Days per week Standard price per month 15 hour entitlement. Total cost per month 15 Additional hours (30 hours total). Total cost per month
2 £484.50 £332.56 N/A
3 £726.75 £498.84
4 £969.00 £665.13
5 £1,211.25 £871.63


Winkworth - Days per week Standard price per month 15 hour entitlement. Total cost per month 15 Additional hours (30 hours total). Total cost per month
2 £450.50 £315.56 N/A
3 £675.75 £473.34
4 £901.00 £631.13
5 £1,126.25 £824.63

MIX & MATCH OPTIONS - Standard price per month

Morning & Afternoon combinations - Price per month

Winkworth - Sessions per week x1 morning x2 mornings x3 mornings x4 mornings
x1 afternoon £467.50 £709.75 £952.00 £1,194.25
x2 afternoons £692.75 £935.00 £1,177.25 n/a
x3 afternoons £918.00 £1,160.25 n/a n/a
x4 afternoons £1,143.25 n/a n/a n/a

Full day & morning and Full day & afternoon combinations - Price per month

Winkworth - Sessions per week x1 morning x2 mornings x3 mornings x4 mornings x1 afternoon x2 afternoons x3 afternoons x4 afternoons
x1 full day £658.75 £901.00 £1,143.25 £1,385.50 £641.75 £867.00 £1,092.25 £1,317.50
x2 full days £1,075.25 £1,317.50 £1,559.75 n/a £1,058.25 £1,283.50 £1,508.75 n/a
x3 full days £1,491.75 £1,734.00 n/a n/a £1,474.75 £1,700.00 n/a n/a
x4 full days £1,908.25 n/a n/a n/a £1,891.25 n/a n/a n/a

Any families wishing to combine full days, mornings & afternoons, please contact for detailed costing estimates.

MIX & MATCH OPTIONS - Price per month when using 15 hour funding entitlement

Morning & Afternoon combinations - Price per month

Winkworth - Sessions per week x1 morning x2 mornings x3 mornings x4 mornings
x1 afternoon £324.06 £490.34 £656.63 £863.13
x2 afternoons £481.84 £648.13 £854.63 n/a
x3 afternoons £639.63 £846.13 n/a n/a
x4 afternoons £837.63 n/a n/a n/a

Full day & morning and Full day & afternoon combinations - Price per month

Winkworth - Sessions per week x1 morning x2 mornings x3 mornings x4 mornings x1 afternoon x2 afternoons x3 afternoons x4 afternoons
x1 full day £464.84 £631.13 £837.63 £1,079.88 £456.34 £614.13 £807.63 £1,032.88
x2 full days £803.63 £1,045.88 £1,288.13 n/a £790.63 £1,015.88 £1,241.13 n/a
x3 full days £1,288.13 £1,470.38 n/a n/a £1,211.13 £1,436.38 n/a n/a
x4 full days £1,644.63 n/a n/a n/a £1,627.63 n/a n/a n/a

Any families wishing to combine full days, mornings & afternoons, please contact for detailed costing estimates.



Only for the Universal 15 hour entitlement and as long as the combined total is no more than the hours set out in our policy. You must complete a Parental Contract form for each provider and you must declare the hours you are claiming at each setting.

If you have further questions or would like to obtain a parent funding form then please contact


If you are employed by a company or are an employee of your own business, then you could be significantly better off by using workplace nursery benefit to pay your nursery fees. Little Forest Folk are now working with Enjoy Benefits to offer this to families.

Enjoy Benefits doesn’t just work for parents - the partnership means your employer makes a contribution to the nursery to be used for its running and upkeep, which they recoup through reduced National Insurance payments

So you benefit, your nursery benefits and it costs your employer nothing!

You can find more information about Enjoy Benefits on our website here.