Fulham - Fancy a Trip to the Bug Hotel?

Fulham - Fancy a Trip to the Bug Hotel?

This week we went bug-crazy and displayed our love for the creatures around us by creating homes for our creepy crawly friends. Using recycled cardboard materials, we chose a box that we thought would be perfect for such a creation. The space was divided into rooms and we discussed how we could make them cozy enough to live in!

Twickenham - Superheroes and Statisticians!

Twickenham - Superheroes and Statisticians!

We have had a wonderful week. It’s been a very busy month of birthdays with children turning four. This week we had two boys turning 4 and the forest was full of superheroes in celebration. Masks and capes, costumes and muscle flexing were all part of our lively day in the crisp chilly spring sunshine.

Wimbledon Village - Mud Glorious Mud!

Wimbledon Village - Mud Glorious Mud!

Into Spring we sprang this week, despite some attempts by rainclouds to wash us out of the forest on Wednesday! Wow, that was a wet one! As a result, we have been given the gift of MUD GLORIOUS MUD in the forest! As we have had plentiful ingredients for mud pies, mud teas, mud cakes, mud pasta bakes, mud bento boxes and mud pizzas, the mud kitchen has been a hive of activity with an ever-changing menu that reflects the diverse imaginations and palates of our little chefs. 

Wimbledon - Daffodils, Snowdrops and Blossom!

Wimbledon - Daffodils, Snowdrops and Blossom!

This week at Wimbledon we have enjoyed signs of spring popping up all around us and the children have spent so much time looking for bugs and insects in the forest. They have been really interested in worms and ant eggs, using their own handmade binoculars to see what else they could find. We used recycled toilet roll tubes and tape to make our binoculars, and they were then used to spot birds, insects and even some aeroplanes!

Winkworth - "It's Only Water!"

Winkworth - "It's Only Water!"

At Little Forest Folk Winkworth we love the mud and rain … especially the big puddles that come with it! After some splashing we might get a little soggy, but as the children like to remind us “It’s only water!” Our little adventurers have loved seeing how the Arboretum is changing with spring on the way. This week, we have been focused on understanding the world and exploring the natural materials we find around us.

Chiswick - Swinging, Balancing & Bug Hunting!

Chiswick - Swinging, Balancing & Bug Hunting!

What a fantastic week we've had in the forest! The children have been busy exploring, creating, and discovering new wonders in nature. From balancing on tricky logs to uncovering tiny bug friends, their curiosity and sense of adventure have been truly inspiring. We've also had magical storytelling moments, hands-on number games, and even a treasure hunt!

Twickenham - Numbers, Weights and Volume!

Twickenham - Numbers, Weights and Volume!

It has been a Marvellous week of mathematicians calculating their way around the forest, counting pinecones, gathering sets of twigs, and washing and balancing stones into wobbly towers. Our creative team of educators have devised all sorts of games to encourage the development of our children’s knowledge of numbers, volume, weights, and shapes.

Wimbledon Village - Building Community Spirit!

Wimbledon Village - Building Community Spirit!

We certainly had a magical week in which we worked on building our community spirit, including a warm welcome from our regulars to our new visitors joining us for holiday camp sessions - it was great to have some familiar faces return and there was a huge variety of play and conversation on camp all week. 

Chiswick - Sawdust Writing & Name Sounds

Chiswick - Sawdust Writing & Name Sounds

What an action-packed and exciting week we’ve had in the forest! This week, we’ve been focusing on letters, writing, and phonics, as well as exploring music and percussion in creative ways. It’s also been Bird Watching Week, where the children have used special binoculars to spot different bird species and listen closely to their calls.

Fulham - Love Is In The Air...

Fulham - Love Is In The Air...

This week at Little Forest Folk Fulham we have celebrated everything kindness, love and appreciation, with a particular focus on how we show our love for the people we hold closest - our friends & families. We have celebrated each other’s achievements with our Kindness Awards, written letters to the ones we hold dear into our Cupid Post Box and discussed our positive feelings about our families whilst getting stuck into Valentines themed crafting.

Morden - Communication and Language!

Morden - Communication and Language!

Our Morden forest has been focusing on Communication and Language for the past 2 weeks – our Little Forest Folk-ers have had some great set up areas and activities with the intention of using their wonderful blossoming language skills! We’ve seen this lots in our small world areas - where children are able to use their imagination to take on the role of the creatures, explaining what is going on in their story, and suggesting ideas to their friends as they play!