Wimbledon Village - Little Forest 'Peg People'!

Wimbledon Village - Little Forest 'Peg People'!

We shifted our attention from shapes and patterns to all sorts of marks and prints this week as we set up lots of opportunities for mark-making of all descriptions. The children looked at a range of animal footprints in clay, flour and on paper and were on the lookout for horse, dog and magpie tracks on the paths into and out of camp. We used natural materials to make marks too, painting with leaves, printing with carved potatoes and rolling patterns into mud. 

Winkworth - Little Forest Folk Pinecone Pizzeria!

Winkworth - Little Forest Folk Pinecone Pizzeria!

This week at Little Forest Folk Winkworth, we have been focusing on our fine motor skills! In particular, we’ve been supporting our little ones to develop their skills with independent eating and using a variety of tools and utensils. The forest is an amazing place to develop little fingers - there’s so much to collect with our tweezers and wheelbarrows and dig up and transport with our trowels, rakes and scoops.

Winkworth - Little Forest Folk Bird Cafe!

Winkworth - Little Forest Folk Bird Cafe!

There is not only the forest floor for our Little Forest Folk-ers to explore, this week we have been looking up into the tree canopy on a bird watch. Clipboards and binoculars at the ready, we set off looking for birds. We had some images of local birds that we could tick off when we saw them and we discovered that the most common bird visiting our forest was the gorgeous Robin.

Chiswick - "Walking in the Forest"!

Chiswick - "Walking in the Forest"!

This week, the frosty mornings have added a magical touch to our forest adventures, and we’ve been staying active to keep warm! The children loved chasing the sun across the meadow and playing our favourite action game, “Walking in the Forest.” With songs and creative actions, our little adventurers have turned it into a lively and imaginative activity.  

Fulham - Wonderful First Week Back!

Fulham - Wonderful First Week Back!

So we have returned after our amazing Christmas break away from the forest. As much as we enjoyed spending time with our loved ones and getting over the excitement of Christmas, we have all very much looked forward to coming back into the forest and sharing all our interesting stories with each other and finding out what our lovely little ones have been up to.